Create beautiful travel product itineraries that will convert more customers

More than 12% of visitors have said that the lack of clear and complete product descriptions is the reason why they close the window. Take this advice, start today and make your products the star of your website, as they should be!

Name your products and use adjectives

Step one is to come up with words that explain in short terms what your travel product is all about. Interesting product names can separate you from others and make you easy to remember, and also to be found on Google!

Write multi language descriptions and attributes

A lack of text description of the travel product virtually puts an end to the chances of the page being in the top 10 of a search engine query.

Follow these three tips:
•    Write quality descriptions that help your tourist see the benefits of your service offered
•    Don’t copy content from other websites. Make your own instead
•    Highlight and bold words that you think are important for your tourists

Adding attributes is a good thing for keeping your description text organized, as well as simple and easy to read. Load some cool attributes that add some additional value to the description text above.
Don’t forget to do the same thing for all of the languages your web site supports!

Descriptions help your SEO

Add customer reviews and testimonials

About 70% of all buyers are looking for reviews of products on online stores or forums before making a purchase. This really is important to have.

You have 2 options you can use and benefit from:
a) add reviews of your travel product/service
b) add reviews from e.g. accommodation suppliers (hotels) you are working with
This way, your visitors get a full insight on whether your service is a high level service, as well as the hotel they are staying at!

Attach unique photos

“A picture is worth 1,000 words” is an online rule you should always remember. Images represent your business so never use something generic. Photos of destinations or accommodations make a huge impression of your visitors’ decision. Nobody wants to see a bad photo of their perfect holiday.

Holidays are beautiful, and so should be the pictures representing it. Don’t forget to put Alternative Text descriptions on your pictures, it helps the visitor and also helps you SEO!

Add photos on your web page

Upload some videos

Videos help you convert more visitors to customers and it also makes it easier for tourists to find you online. According to Internet Retailer, 90% of online shoppers find videos useful when deciding to make a purchase.

Some ideas: load some videos from some excursions you organized, combine your customers’ pictures into videos, or even put some interesting videos of the destination you offer.

Show details about destinations

Customers love to know some interesting details about their destination. This can be a lot of fun if you google a little bit and learn about some specifics a certain destination has.
For example, did you know that the world’s oldest public zoo was opened in London (1828) or that more than 250 feature films are shot on locations in New York City each year?!

Destination details

Give details about key points of interest

Your tourists love to be prepared before going on a trip. It’s important to provide them with information like where they can buy fresh water, where to get gas, where to exchange their cash or pick up money.

Provide information about activities and excursions nearby

Tourists love to use their days to the fullest and visit different places in the town they are staying in. Let them know where they can have extra activities and what they can see e.g. which museums, aquariums, beaches, etc. Don’t forget to include links or videos of these optional activities.

Activities near by

Connect your products with Google Maps

Define the location of your travel products and allow your guests to find their way easier.

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